We all know that it is important to take good care of our body and brain. In fact, if you process one, the other will be processed automatically. If you eat well, your body will be well-shaped and your brain will move faster. When you exercise for good health and get good blood flow, your brain absorbs abundant oxygenation and rejuvenation. Here are some ideas to help you:
Mental Flex-Keep your hands active and keep your mind-braids, crochet, colors, colors ...
Call friends and family today and share happy stories with him or her. Encourage this person to share it with you-happiness is contagious!
Tell the world why brain health is important to you and all the people you love.
Encourage your friends to join bebrainpowerful.org
Enjoy home cooking where you can control the ingredients, cooking methods, and parts.
Put your body in the game. Lift instead of idle. It's good for the body and the brain.
Includes 3 yoga morning and evening poses and 3 intensive breathing sessions-1 minute through the nose and mouth.
To be honest, going to the doctor can be a little scary, especially when asked about the medical history of our family. But just because you're scared doesn't mean you'll run away. Complete knowledge and understanding of your family's medical history (to the best of your ability) affects not only your health but the health of most members of your family. You may know your family tree, but now it's time to learn your family's medical history. Set aside time to sit with your relatives to learn more about the health risks you may face. Make a note of what you have learned and kept the file for your records.
Tell other family members what you find-do you need more active minutes every day? Do you need to reduce certain foods such as fat and sugar? Do you need to spend more time outside to enjoy the fresh air and the sun? It's time to incorporate some hobbies into your life, such as learning to draw, starting to speak another language, or teaching a class that focuses on a particular talent (or two) you have. Did you come? Are you taking a class on relaxation and rejuvenation? Do you spend more time on yourself and your well-being?
There are many possibilities-conquer them and have fun.
Reference: By Gini Cunningham