Every year, thousands of dollars are spent on every potential food program, slim products and weight loss pills. For many women, money is not an issue, because the need to drop those extra pounds outweighs financial concerns.

Statistical data from 2003 to 2006 show increased obesity rates in 31 of the 50 US states. The data comes from surveys conducted by health departments in different areas about the height and weight of people in different states. Another result of the survey showed a close association between obesity and heart disease among respondents. The study had serious effects on health, so state funding was set to inform people about the risk of obesity and overweight. The government-sponsored weight loss program also focused on a brief information campaign on good eating habits. People were given pamphlets and other reading materials with information on how to choose the right food. This technique makes sense because there are a variety of foods that can suppress your appetite and prevent thirst for sugar. These dietary groups promote metabolism, help to consume the fat stored in the body and in the process lead to weight loss. Below are some “delicious foods” that should be part of your weight watchers diet plan.

1. Beans - Beans contain the digestive hormone cholecystectomy, which acts as a natural appetizer. Beans help keep blood levels in a uniform keel and stop appetite too long. High fiber bean varieties further reduce cholesterol levels.

2. Salad-Eating Salad is highly recommended by the American Nutritionists Association because a vegetable-based diet is rich in vitamin C and E, lycopene, folic acid and carotenoids. However, it is best to reduce dressing while eating salad. Some salad dressings may actually contain calories.

3. Eggs - A healthy egg because it contains proteins that help prevent blood spikes when consumed in moderation. Weight watchers are advised to eat only egg whites.

4. Green Tea - This type of tea is an antioxidant that promotes metabolism and helps burn fat. Green tea contains antioxidants called catechins.

5. Soup - Eating a little chicken soup can help reduce appetite. Chicken soup is considered a folk remedy for cold and influenza.

6. High Fiber Cereals - Fiber-rich grains help to improve digestion and reduce appetite.

7. Tofu - Eating tofu makes you eat less. Tofu is considered an appetizer protein.

8. Lean beef - Lean beef contains an amino acid called leucine that helps maintain energy, regulate blood glucose levels, and repair muscles.

9. Olive oil - Foods cooked with olive oil are healthy because they contain monosaturated fat, which is widely accepted as a product that helps prevent heart disease.

10. Pear - This fruit is an excellent source of fiber and fructose that does not cause a rise in blood glucose levels.

11. Nuts - Adding about 500 calories of peanuts to a regular diet can lead to weight gain, says Padhu University.

12. Vinegar-acetic acid in vinegar can delay the transport of food from the stomach to the small intestine, resulting in a feeling of fullness (feeling fullness in the stomach). Vinegar helps improve the glycemic control needed for diabetic patients.

13. Red Chilli - A bowl of spicy chili helps a person lose weight due to an ingredient called capsaicin. This ingredient can actually help curb appetite.

To be sure, managing your own weight involves the simple act of choosing to eat delicious food. Having a regular exercise program and controlling the number of calories burned daily can greatly help a person win a bloating battle.

Reference and source: Ezine Article